Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Defending Yourself & Your Assets (Part 2: Might and Troops)

In this post, I will outline some of the strategies I have picked up in my year of playing Kingdoms of Camelot.  Having good defensive strategies will make you a very tough target for other players.  Practising all of these strategies will help you retain your strength's, and can help keep you up in the rankings.

First things first, you want to protect your resources and your army.  There isn't much if any might gain from winning a battle.  When people attack you they either want your resources, or they want to kill off your army to knock down your might.

With that said, here are some things you can do to Protect Your Might and Troops:

1) Hide in Sanctuary:  Unless you are the baddest MoFo around it's best to hide your troops in the sanctuary, because normally the people who are going to be attacking are ones bigger and badder than you.  It is always best to hide your troops at all times, and only set them to defend when you know you will win the battle with minimum losses to your own troops.  When you lose troops you lose might.

You can hide your troops within your Castle.  Once you are in your castle you should see two radio buttons where you can choose either to "Hide troops in sanctuary" or "Order troops to defend city".

2)  Build up your Wall and Field Defences:  By building up wall/field defences it makes you a less appetising target.  Especially building up traps and crossbows.  Traps and crossbows kill enemy troops.  Traps are good for one attack, and then they have to be rebuilt.  Crossbows can last through multiple attacks depending on your enemies experience and knowledge of taking out wall defences.  If a player is just out looking for resources they will more than likely not want to suffer a large loss of troops.

You can build up your Wall and Field defences by clicking on your Wall.  You can queue up multiple defences to train, which will put them on a waiting list.  So, as one of your defences is completed another one will start after it.

3) Defend or Hide - Watch Tower:  You Should build up your watch tower to a level 9 a.s.a.p.  I say this because low level watch towers give you little information on incoming attacks.  If you cannot make out how many troops an attacker is sending do not defend.  You do not want to lose all of your troops on one random attack.  Once your watch tower is to a level 8 and 9 you and your alliance members will have enough information to decide if you should defend, hide, and even if you can receive reinforcements to help defeat the attacker.

4) Food is Important!!!  Even if you are not being attacked you can be at risk of losing your army.  If you do not have enough food in your city to feed your troops, your troops will run away.  You will lose all the might you gained from them, and all of them will have to be rebuilt.  Remember to always keep an eye on your food.  Some quick ways to get more food: attack a barbarian camp, ask an alliance member for some food, transport food from your other cities.  
      NOTE: For more information on how to up your food production please see Maximising Your Resources.  I will also be publishing a few post about how to attack barbarian camps successfully, and strategies on farming barb camps.

To see how to protect your resources please view...
Defending Yourself & Your Assets (Part 1: Resources)

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